Tech Jargon Be Not Proud

Tech Jargon Be Not Proud

When I was a kid, I read everything I could. My family had a lot of books in the house and my parents would give me books for Christmas and my birthday. For example, we had this series of books called “Golden Guides” that I loved that covered Stars, Rocks and...
Why Enterprise Software UI/UX is Medieval

Why Enterprise Software UI/UX is Medieval

“People who run (baseball) clubs think in terms of buying players. Your goal should be to buy wins. And in order to buy wins, you need to buy runs…What I see is an imperfect understanding of where runs come from. Baseball thinking is medieval.”   Peter Brand...
Second Life: Why We Couldn’t Escape from Ourselves

Second Life: Why We Couldn’t Escape from Ourselves

Source: Linden Labs This blog’s title is derived from the Star Trek Original Series episode entitled “Shore Leave” (Season 1, Episode 15). The crew beams down to a planet that appears to be an idyllic natural paradise, perfect for some rest and recuperation, though...